Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Moving past but not away

love: everlasting, unconditional, beautiful, leaves me speechless, friendship, family, warm, magnificent

Recently I logged onto facebook and had an invite from Doc Reid at Southeastern Seminary for a conference being held there. The conference is called Kaleo, to be called, and is for college and some highschool students feeling a call on their life for vocational ministry. Now, I have no aspirations; nor do I feel it is my place, to be a deacon or pastor, but I do know God has given me a heart for the people of Russia and a passion to learn the language. So, to make a long story short I discussed this with my parents, called my good friend Caitlin, and it is officially a road trip. I am ecstatic. I get to spend a weekend learning about God's call on my life and how I can use the gifts he has given me.
Please be praying that the details fall into place, gas prices go down, and God's perfect will is done in this situation.

As for my title: I miss Russia and I am sad to be done blogging about my trip exclusively, but the beautiful country is never forgotten in my heart.

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

i am soooo excited!!! i think this is going to be great for us! :)