Thursday, May 29, 2008

My testimony adequate?

Russia time: 6:27 AM, Friday morning.

One of the amazing oppurtunities I will have in Russia is sharing my testimony with the orphanage workers during a tea the team shares with them. I am incredibly excited, but incredibly nervous. My testimony is powerful, no doubt. I have one year from high school that I am ashamed of, but God always uses it to touch sweet teenage girl's hearts. I am seeking God's wisdom and words, so that I can share what He will use for his greatest glory. I know God will use that one year or the other 18 years of my life to greatly minister to the workers, director, and my own team.

So, please pray for, once again, the words to say. I know God will use my whole testimony and/or bits and pieces to work in the lives of the workers. They are dearly precious to those children and therefore to me and I want to be the vessle God uses to impact their lives.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Much needed words

Currently it is 11:41 PM in Russia, so I'll be asleep a week from now.

Anyways, this year on the Russia trip I have the awesome privilege of leading one of the bible stories...Widow's Mite. I am incredibly nervous because the story is about 5 lines long in Matthew. I know God will give me the words to say when I teach the kids this story and thankfully I am going on the last "VBS" day!

So, be praying that I prepare properly and while I am teaching God gives me the words to say so that I can make this story about giving all that you have applicable to the kids.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

One week to go...


I am one week away from Russia, again. It seems like just last year I was preparing for Russia, while finishing my senior year of high school. Now, I am done with my freshmen year of college and God is sending me back to Russia!

I am so excited to return and see what God has in store for the team and I this year. I know I won't be gone as long as other Crusade Summer Project kids; nor will I be able to update like they can. However, I wanted to create this blog for my bible study girls, so I can keep them up-to-date on my trip!

Anyways, please be praying that all the final details come together this week as we prepare to leave. I will add other prayer requests as this week goes along, as to not overwhelm ya'll.

Thanks again for the prayer and financial support!
