Tuesday, September 30, 2008

How Great Is Our God

We sang one of my favorite songs tonight at Crusade, How Great Is Our God. One reason I love this song so much is because this summer when I was in Russia we sang it at church Sunday morning. It was incredible being able to sing this song in Russian and have my team members around me singing in English. I truly feel how great God is when I can sing my praises to Him in another language and know that he doesn't care about my accent or if I am using the correct grammar. He just appreciates my open heart of worship and praise. I still tear up whenever I sing that song now because it has taken on such a deeper meaning. I hear the words to that song resonate in my heart, and know that God is great and his greatness is everywhere around me.

Наш бог так белик
ной со мнои
Наш бог так белик
Бсе мы бидим

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