Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Need to Break Down

Have you ever felt the need to just cry and the tears just wouldn't flow. I have kind of felt like that lately, especially Sunday night. See on Monday I had surgery to have all four of my wisdom teeth taken out. Not that big of a deal right? Well I don't do well with needles, blood, surgery..etc. And I was even more worried about my blood sugar cause I couldn't eat. They ended up adding sugar water to my IV. Despite my worrying, God was in control and I am recovering fine.

Because of my surgery I am having to lay around during my last week at home. I only get to see Ashley one day this week until who knows when, I don't like that at all. Granted I leave Friday to go back to Clemson, which I am ecstatic about, but once I get there my life is gonna be in high speed until Thanksgiving. Between football games, crusade, bible study x 2, classes, and the Kaleo conference I am really beginning to freak myself out.

But despite all my complaining I am recovering from surgery just fine, and I know that God is going to do awesome things this semester even with my hectic schedule if I devote my time to Him. So, that is kinda where I am right now. Ready to be back at school but savoring these last moments at home for awhile.

Lastly, I have a really serious prayer request, for the 3 or 4 people that read this. The Russia trip for next year is being prayed about right now. Not that it isn't always, but right now because of politics, gas prices, and money in general it might not happen. This alone has brought me to tears multiple times a day. I can't really grasp not going over there to see my sweet Eliza and Yana, their beautiful faces and precious hearts! So, despite the desires of my heart, I must pray that God's will be done in the decision the leaders of the team make.

With that,
Я люблю Вас всех, (I love you all)
До свидания (Goodbye)

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